Labor Day Weekend – Saturday

I was on a real creative bender today. I hit the 50% off sale at the Salvation Army last night and came home with lots of loot.

This hanging votive above will look fab in my outdoor patio. Because the end is pointed, I think if I add some sand and/or small shells to this to nestle my candle in, it will work really well.

I am totally digging this glass pitcher. If I use it for iced water, juice or mixed drinks, it will look awesome on my table when I am entertaining.

But, the bender part was playing with clothing and throw pillows that I had bought.

I don’t “do” strapless so I almost put this dress back. But, that didn’t mean I couldn’t do something else with it. This dress has a tie waist so I cut the top of the dress off just above the tie waist and, voila, a skirt with an adjustable waist. I didn’t see the need to finish the top because I never wear my shirts high enough to show the top of the skirt. It ended up being super comfy!

The thing I had the most fun with, though, was my throw pillow. It began as a pillow,

a skirt,

and the bottom two tiers that I had already cut from this skirt.

Using the velvet tier of this above skirt, I made the ruffle for the pillow. The black and white flower print and the scrunched rayon and the black ribbon from the tiered skirt made the body of the pillow. A lot of work and also a lot of fun.

The most amazing part of my shopping expidition is that in addition to the glass pieces, the strapless dress and the black and white skirt above, I also picked up a handmade tray (pics later), 4 skirts, a sweater, a shirt, a tablecloth and two of the above throw pillows all for $34 and some change!  SCORE!

About treasuresfromtrash

I have always been a frugal girl, often bordering on cheap when my finances dictate. Money has always been tight for me - I didn't "marry well" and my career choice mostly involved, as my mother put it, trying to save the world. As we all know, you don't get rich trying to save the world. That has never stopped me from looking sideways at other people and wanting what they have. So, I just go the creative route and make something from nothing!
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2 Responses to Labor Day Weekend – Saturday

  1. Holy Moly, woman!!! Your sewing talent is amazing!!! How can you do all of that!??!?! I am in amazement!!! I WISH I could sew….although I suppose I’d be REALLY dangerous if I could! 🙂 Man…I LOVE that you can just take things and create like that! That’s so cool!!! As for the pitcher…LOVE IT!!! Isn’t it wonderful to find pretty things that you can use over and over and over again without spending a fortune? Hooray for you!!!

    • You are too sweet! I would bet you could find a sewing class at a fabric store somewhere. I rely on the “skills” I learned in the 9th grade home ec class. I have been looking at the New dress a day blog and that girl is amazing. I realized that I could also pick up items that have seen better days and change them up to suit my style. It is so much more fun than stalking the clearance racks at Kohls or Target…..

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